We’ve all felt the sharp pangs of hunger. It becomes all consuming. It hurts. We can only imagine how hard it is for someone to get back on their feet when they’re dealing with chronic hunger in addition to illness, addiction and homelessness.
On Wednesday, a team of seven volunteers from HighCraft Builders helped prepare and serve kraut burgers, salad, applesauce, potatoes and cobbler to more than 100 homeless men and women in our community.
HighCraft’s first volunteer day at Fort Collins Rescue Mission was back in early December. We left that night feeling deeply grateful for the abundance in our lives. It inspired us to do more – to help out again in 2015. Here are some personal thoughts and photos from another great experience at Fort Collins Rescue Mission:

“It really moved me how much heart goes into everything that goes on at the Mission. The staff puts so much love into all that they do and how hard they work … it was awe inspiring and shines through!” – Cheri

“We are lucky to live in a town that has such nice facilities like the Mission. The kitchen, staff and food prepared each day are all of high quality. I would definitely recommend volunteering to others.” – Alex
“The Mission is a gift to so many. It gives the gift of hope to the homeless. But it also gives volunteers a gift. The act of preparing a meal together, and giving back to others, brings our team closer together. Everyone on our volunteer crew contributed to the final meal and the end result was something that we all had a hand in creating. It was really cool to see people working together.” – Kira
From our entire HighCraft crew, thanks to the staff and volunteers who make a difference every day at Fort Collins Rescue Mission. And a special shout-out to Shann for washing more than 100 food trays!
>> more info about Fort Collins Rescue Mission